NOTE: Download a correction to this book here, which should replace the scoring worksheet found within this Released Exam. For up-to-date information about this AP course and exam, please download the official AP Course Description from the AP Central® Web site at.

Materials included in this Released Exam may not reflect the current AP Course Description and exam in this subject, and teachers are advised to take this into account as they use these materials to support their instruction of students. Finally, you can find out how scores are converted to AP grades and get advice on how to interpret those grades. Also included is a diagnostic guide to help teachers analyze student results to find overall strengths and weaknesses in their understanding of AP Calculus. There is background information on how the exam was developed, a description of the scoring process, and an overview of how the students performed on the exam. For Section II, the free-response or essay portion of the exam, there are examples of students' actual responses, the scoring guidelines, and commentary that explains why the responses received the scores they did. For Section I, the multiple-choice section, you can see the questions and correct answers, along with statistical data on how students performed on each question. This publication contains a complete copy of the 2003 AP Calculus AB and Calculus BC Exams.